Watching the Wheels

Watching the Wheels


by John Lennon



People say I'm crazy

Doing what I'm doing

Well, they give me all kinds of warnings

To save me from ruin

When I say that I'm okay, well they look at me kinda strange

"Surely, you're not happy now, you no longer play the game"

People say I'm lazy

Dreaming my life away

Well they give me all kinds of advice

Designed to enlighten me

When I tell them that I'm doing fine watching shadows on the wall

"Don't you miss the big time boy, you're no longer on the ball?"

I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round

I really love to watch them roll

No longer riding on the merry-go-round

I just had to let it go

Ah, people asking questions

Lost in confusion

Well, I tell them there's no problem

Only solutions

Well, they shake their heads and they look at me, as if I've lost my mind

I tell them there's no hurry, I'm just sitting here doing time

I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round

I really love to watch them roll

No longer riding on the merry-go-round

I just had to let it go

I just had to let it go

I just had to let it go…

My Spiritual Condition

My Spiritual Condition


by Joseph T. McMahon


(A note to a teacher updating him on my spiritual condition in April of 2020)



I wanted to give you an update on my current spiritual condition. As I begin to type this I realize if I had to tell you what my experience is I would probably have nothing to say. But whatever I am or whatever this is, is not limited even by that idea.


I have come to a place where I not only see thoughts but I see the entire mind. It has gotten to the point where I see that nothing is really happening in the way that we normally speak of as things happening. Stillness and silence are ways of communicating that the sense of personhood has become transparent in favor of what I will now describe.


I neither am nor am not. There is no ‘me’ as such. I am existence without a ‘me’. There is neither one, nor two, nor none, nor any other idea. It is beyond words. Ineffable. Being beyond words is not a handicap or a loss, it is a soft bliss of not knowing. Pure not knowing, without a ‘me’. There is nothing to know in that which is full and whose fullness dissolves all arising of questions. There is no loss. And there is no gain. No opposites apply to where I have come to. Existence alone is. There is no one to say I am that existence. One might say that existence says I am existence. And not even that.


I am unlocalized. I am neither infinite nor finite, nor any measurement of any kind. I am unbound and free as to shape and size. Ineffable. There are neither ‘places’ nor a ‘me’ to be any place.


I am neither in a body nor not in a body. The skin of this body no longer contains any sense of an entity. I must ‘think’ myself into the body otherwise there are no ideas about being in a body or not being in a body.


There is neither time nor not time. It doesn’t arise to be thought of. If I had to speak words, I would say there is no time. Timeless, eternal, etc, all point to ideas. One could say timeless if that meant without any idea of time.


As the sage Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj says, “I am neither conceivable nor perceivable”. This is my experience.

Things neither appear in me nor do not appear in me. There is no ‘me’ for anything to appear in, and there is neither an outside nor inside for anything to appear inside of or outside of. Ineffable.


There is a still-point of pristine thought-free being where there is no sense of self but a sense of unbounded freedom which sees all but is untouched by any of it. Unspeakably intimate yet untainted and untouched by anything. It defies explanation or description. Being everything, everywhere, yet no things or places are registered. No me to explain or describe. No residue of experience. No history or trail of experience. Dream-like. Always ‘here’. No other places and no other times. Just always here, for no one. It’s like here - is here. Wherever this body is or goes is ‘here’. No place. Full, but nowhere. Neither somewhere nor nowhere.


Just peace. Just the soft bliss of just being. It has the tone of just repeatedly pinging itself over and over again, deepening its knowing of itself, undulating, becoming richer and deeper on its own level.


All the ideas of Oneness, I am That, I Am, etc, have become transparent because something happened to the ‘me’. It is still moving in conditioned ways but it has thinned out to such a degree that I have no real orientation at all except conceptually. It is just as difficult to say I am not so and so, as it is to say I am so and so. I have no ideas about these things. They arise and play out spontaneously. I don’t feel connected to what plays out, good or bad. All extremes seem to have come to the center.


I have disappeared yet see from another place. This place includes all places because there are no places as such. So it sees from no place. How can I describe what a human mind cannot grasp? The remnants of the conceptual mind is in disarray, disoriented, still seeking and still trying to be included. All of this is seen. There is no desire to do anything about those movements except to continue to stay as - or return to (as the case may be) thought-free being.


The mental and emotional terrors that have arisen over the last several years are movements of the conditioned mental construct which is in the process of ever deepening dismantling and deconstruction. It is in the continuous process of thinning out and becoming more and more transparent. My response to these terrors have been informed by an intelligence that has always been compassionate to this movement.


There seems to be a knowing and understanding that this undoing doesn’t have to be ‘violent’. Sages over the ages have spoken of ‘killing or destroying the ego’ and also as ‘allowing the ego to sink into the heart like a salt-doll dissolves when placed into the sea’. For some reason the latter has been what has informed how those arising are dealt with. I don’t feel I know anything about that movement unless I conceptualize it as I have done here. In truth, I have no idea what that movement is, and this that is, is always choosing peace, and so, the latter seems to be chosen. I have no ideas or beliefs that meeting it with compassion is meaningful or not because in the stillness of being all that is ever known is That One itself on its own level.


Trying to ‘do’ something about any apparent happenings seems as futile as going to a mirage in the desert for a drink of water. Yet action arises spontaneously and it is sort of disappointing when things arise that do not align with this peaceful equanimity I have been describing. What I have come to see is that this inert body has its own journey and it seems to be futile to try to interfere with it other than the dissolving effect turning inwards seems to have.


There is no residue from actions of the body/mind. There are no stories created around seemingly negative actions as there was prior to this shift. It is only more obvious and apparent now that this is so. It is sort of known in retrospect.


And although I speak of qualities like peace, and the soft-bliss of just being, thought-free being can be experienced as without any qualities whatsoever which creates an angst in the mind which again is dissolved by remaining or turning inwards. In this sense, Peace is known to be eternal if one wishes to use the concept of time. The deeper truth is that there is no past, present or future for peace – there is just Peace in all times and places, despite there being no times and places as such. Ineffable.


This is a summary of my current spiritual condition...  [END]



So, Michael, how does one write without sounding like a madman? This has been my dilemma – writing to explain that there is nothing to write about and that writing is futile. Ha! What a dilemma!


I have been slowly picking away at the collection of Silence quotes. I have a much larger goal which I have been feeling into, to see if I should wait to incorporate it into this collection of quotes. I feel that this bigger project needs to be its own thing and I want to just put this collection of quotes out as a ‘starter’ to some detailed and original writing.


I have put my spiritual deepening and unfolding on hold (so it seems – but that which ‘is’ never sleeps and keeps deepening and unfolding in its own way and on its own level) since I moved to Florida 4 years ago. This body turned 60 last week and I am intuiting that it wants to immortalize or as you put it, leave a legacy of sorts of this abstract existence. That which actually ‘is’ has no such ideas. It’s funny how the mind wants to immortalize its own non-existence. Gotta give it an ‘A+’ for perseverance. It will one day be sticking its hand out of its grave clutching a finished (or unfinished) manuscript titled ‘My Life’ in its boney, clenched fist.


My direct experience is so out of norms that most times of the times when I write I am met with accusations of spiritual bypassing. I venture to say that something incredibly rare has happened to me but since my experience is from a different orientation, it is difficult to communicate and when I do, it seems out of sorts or not possible because I am not experiencing from the same place the reader is – if that makes sense.  So, the whole idea of writing gets polluted with the idea that no one will understand and it is a waste of time. Of course, that is mind talking because nothing else talks. I see these thoughts and the lamenting about these things, and that seeing points back to silence and there is no movement to ‘do’ anything. Seeing thought simultaneously reminds me that there is no thought. Something like that. Thoughts are cancelled out by their own arisings. Desires to write are followed by a recognition of the futileness of communicating in a made-up, temporary world-view and that thought-free being is the real dominant experience. The world only rises with the thoughts of it. Thoughts are words, and words are blah, blah, sounds and well you know the rest of it.


Nevertheless, something wants to write or communicate. Maybe I’m just killing ‘time’.

On Christianity and Its Origins

On Christianity and Its Origins




Christianity and Judaism


New Testament

Old Testament


Definition of Religion

Origins of Christianity

History of Christianity

Early Christianity

History of Early Christianity

History of Late Ancient Christianity

Constantine the Great and Christianity

Historical Background of the New Testament

Historical Jesus

Quest for the Historical Jesus

Historicity of Jesus

Christ Myth Theory

Historical Reliability of the Gospels

Wikipedia: Unknown years of Jesus

Wikipedia: Jesus in Ahmadiyya Islam

Wikipedia: Roza Bal

Wikipedia: Ahmadiyya

Religion in Ancient Rome

Anti-Christian Policies in the Roman Empire


Catholic Church

History of the Catholic Church


Catechism of the Catholic Church


Nag Hammadi Library

Gospel of Thomas

Synoptic Gospels

Q Source


Christian Martyrs

False prophet


Religious War

History of the Jews and the Crusades


Martin Luther

Protestant Reformation

History of Protestantism

Christian Denomination

Religious censorship

Index Librorum Prohibitorum

List of Authors and Works on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum




Zoroastrianism or Mazdayasna is an Iranian religion and one of the world's oldest organized faiths, based on the teachings of the Iranian-speaking prophet Zoroaster (also known as Zaraθuštra in Avestan or as Zartosht in Persian). It has a dualistic cosmology of good and evil within the framework of a monotheistic ontology and an eschatology which predicts the ultimate conquest of evil by good. Zoroastrianism exalts an uncreated and benevolent deity of wisdom known as Ahura Mazda (lit. 'Lord of Wisdom') as its supreme being. Historically, the unique features of Zoroastrianism, such as its monotheism, messianism, belief in free will and judgment after death, conception of heaven, hell, angels, and demons, among other concepts, may have influenced other religious and philosophical systems, including the Abrahamic religions and Gnosticism, Northern Buddhism, and Greek philosophy.

With possible roots dating back to the 2nd millennium BCE, Zoroastrianism enters recorded history around the middle of the 6th century BCE. It served as the state religion of the ancient Iranian empires for more than a millennium (approximately from 600 BCE to 650 CE), but declined from the 7th century CE onwards as a direct result of the Arab-Muslim conquest of Persia (633–654 CE), which led to the large-scale persecution of the Zoroastrian people. Recent estimates place the current number of Zoroastrians in the world at around 110,000–120,000 at most, with the majority of this figure living in India, Iran, and North America; their number has been thought to be declining.

The most important texts of Zoroastrianism are those contained within the Avesta, which includes the central writings thought to be composed by Zoroaster known as the Gathas, that define the teachings of Zoroaster and which are poems within the liturgy of worship, the Yasna which serve as the basis for worship. The religious philosophy of Zoroaster divided the early Iranian gods of the Proto-Indo-Iranian tradition into emanations of the natural world as ahuras and daevas, the latter of which were not considered to be worthy of worship. Zoroaster proclaimed that Ahura Mazda was the supreme creator, the creative and sustaining force of the universe through Asha, and that human beings are given a choice between supporting Ahura Mazda or not, making them ultimately responsible for their choices. Though Ahura Mazda has no equal contesting force, Angra Mainyu (destructive spirit/mentality), whose forces are born from Aka Manah (evil thought), is considered to be the main adversarial force of the religion, standing against Spenta Mainyu (creative spirit/mentality). Middle Persian literature developed Angra Mainyu further into Ahriman, advancing him to be the direct adversary to Ahura Mazda.

Additionally, the life force that originates from Ahura Mazda, known as Asha (truth, cosmic order), stands in opposition to Druj (falsehood, deceit). Ahura Mazda is considered to be all-good with no evil emanating from the deity. Ahura Mazda works in gētīg (the visible material realm) and mēnōg (the invisible spiritual and mental realm) through the seven (six when excluding Spenta Mainyu) Amesha Spentas.

The Serenity Prayer

The  Serenity Prayer

The  Serenity Prayer

God, give me grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.


Nine Translations of the Ashtavakra Gita


Nine Translations of the Ashtavakra Gita

& Other Ancient Writings



Historical Background of Ashtavakra Gita


Wikipedia: Ashtavakra Gita



Blogs of Nine Translations of the Ashtavakra Gita


The Heart of Awareness (Byrom)


Ashtavakra Gita (Marshall)


Bitten by the Black Snake (Schoch)


A Duet of One (Balsekar)


Ashtavakra Gita (Richards)


Astavakra Samhita (Wood)


Ashtavakra Gita (Shastri)


Ashtavakra Gita (Saraswati)


Ashtavakra Gita (Vedic Scriptures)



Ramana Maharshi Audio


Ashtavakra Gita: Sri Ramana Maharshi



Ashtavakra Gita: I Am Shiva


Ashtavakra Gita: I Am Shiva



PDF’s of Ashtavakra Gita: I Am Shiva


Ashtavakra Gita: I Am Shiva


I Am Shiva Comparison Chart



PDF’s of Nine Translations of the Ashtavakra Gita


The Heart of Awareness (Byrom)


Ashtavakra Gita (Marshall)


Bitten by the Black Snake (Schoch)


Ashtavakra Gita (Richards)


A Duet of One (Balsekar)


Astavakra Samhita (Wood)


Ashtavakra Gita (Shastri)


Ashtavakra Gita (Vedic Scriptures)


Ashtavakra Gita (Saraswati)



Translations of Other Ancient Writings


Ashtavakra Gita: I Am Shiva


Tao Te Ching: Verse One


Tao Te Ching (Marshall)


Bhagavad Gita (Marshall)


Yoga Sutras (Marshall)


Dhammapada (Marshall)


The Book of Ecclesiastes (Marshall)


Song of the Avadhut (Abhayananda)


Avadhut Gita (Shastri)


Atma Bodha (Chinmayananda)


The Essence of the Ribhu Gita (Ramamoorthy & Nome)


Yoga Vasishta Sara (Ramasramam)


Crest-Jewel of Discrimination (Madhavananda)


Mandukya Upanishad & Mandukya Karika of Gaudapada (Panoli)


Gaudapada: Advaita Vedanta’s First Philosopher (Jones)



Writings by Bart Marshall


Verses Regarding True Nature


One Hundred Two Haiku



Translations of Ancient Writings by Bart Marshall


Ashtavakra Gita


Tao Te Ching


Bhagavad Gita


Yoga Sutras




The Book of Ecclesiastes