Happiness Habits

Happiness Habits

Happiness Habits Miniposter

Happy for No Reason workbook

Highlights of the Happy 100 Interviews recording

I. The Foundation - Take Ownership of Your Happiness

1. Focus on Solutions: To become more empowered, build on what's already working to improve any situation in your life.

2. Look for the Lesson and the Gift: Instead of blaming others or making excuses, find the lesson and the blessing in each circumstance.

3. Make Peace with Yourself: Lighten your load by accepting the past and moving forward.

II. The Pillar of the Mind - Don't Believe Everything You Think

4. Question Your Thoughts: Examine your beliefs to determine if your mind is telling you the truth.

5. Go Beyond the Mind and Let Go: Free yourself from your negative thoughts and feelings.6. Incline Your Mind toward Joy: Lean into the thoughts that support your happiness.

III. The Pillar of the Heart - Let Love Lead

7. Focus on Gratitude: Put your attention on what you appreciate to expand the energy of your heart.

8. Practice Forgiveness: Release your resentment and anger toward others to free your heart.9. Spread Lovingkindness: Practice "beaming" love and good wishes to everyone you encounter.

IV. The Pillar of the Body - Make your Cells Happy

10. Nourish Your Body: Balance your brain and body chemistry through optimal nutrition and supplementation.

11. Energize Your Body: Use movement, breath, and proper rest to increase the vital life force in your body.

12. Tune In to Your Body's Wisdom: Love and honor your body and listen to its needs.

V. The Pillar of the Soul - Plug Yourself Into Spirit

13. Invite Connection with Your Higher Power: Find silence through prayer, meditation, or time in nature to experience your relationship to your Higher Power.

14. Listen to Your Inner Voice: Make connection with your soul's wisdom to guide you in life.

15. Trust Life's Unfolding: Open to grace and put yourself in the flow of life.

VI. The Roof - Live a Life Inspired by Purpose

16. Find Your Passion: Discover what truly matters to you and align yourself with what makes your heart sing.

17. Follow the Inspiration of the Moment: Focus on what you want and allow yourself to be led to how it will unfold.

18. Contribute to Something Greater Than Yourself: Respond to your inner calling to serve others in ways great and small.

VII. The Garden - Cultivate Nourishing Relationships

19. Tend to Your Relationships: Appreciate the people in your life and use emotional contagion to enhance your happiness.

20. Surround Yourself with Support: Create a support system that helps you stay focused on living your best life.

21. See the World as Your Family: Feel a sense of love and connection to all of humanity.

(Source: Happy for No Reason - 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out, 2008, written by Marci Shimoff)