Rick Ross – Cult Intervention Specialist

Rick Ross



Rick Ross

Expert Consultant and Intervention Specialist





This web site was created to offer the public a resource of information concerning controversial and/or potentially unsafe groups-- as well as some groups that have been called "cults". Here you will find an archive that contains thousands of documents, which includes news stories, related articles, reports, letters, court records, book excerpts and personal testimonies.


Due to the site's size an archive search feature has been added at the bottom of this page. Simply type in the group, subject or person of interest and click on "Search." Additionally, an instructional introduction to assist visitors is available at "Start Me Up." These useful tools are also located at the column of buttons to the left.


Rick Ross is an internationally known expert regarding radical, extreme and often unsafe groups--some that have been called "cults". Since 1982 he has been involved in hundreds of interventions in an effort to help the victims of destructive groups. Mr. Ross has been qualified and accepted as an expert witness. He has testified in numerous court cases across the United States concerning destructive groups and their influence and assisted law enforcement.


The finest news organizations, from Time and Newsweek to CBS, CNN, and ABC Evening News, have counted on Rick Ross to provide an understanding of many dangerous groups and the techniques they often use to recruit and retain members.




Some Groups


The information on this site was posted to offer the public a resource concerning controversial and/or potentially unsafe groups--some that have been called "cults"--and related subjects.


Some Groups



“Bible”-Based Groups



Channeling Groups



Commercial/Business Groups



Human Potential Groups



Jewish Groups



Neo-Eastern Groups



"New Age" Groups



Political Groups



Satanic Groups?



Sci-Fi/UFO Groups



Theosophy Groups



Therapy/Counselling Groups





Other Groups on File


Rick Ross has information about the following groups on file, but at this time that information has not yet been posted within this Web site
